
发布:2017-08-04 13:25 来源: 《中国外汇》2017年第15期 作者:卢奕 程娱


The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce recently unveiled a revised version of the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment this year. The 2017 edition of the investment guidelines is the seventh revision since the Catalogue was first published in 1995.


In past years,the Catalogue was divided into three broad categories -- encouraged investment,limited investment and prohibited investment. The new Catalogue has undergone a structural adjustment so that the areas of restriction (such as those business sectors where there are shareholding limits or requirements of who can serve as a senior executive) and areas of absolute prohibition will be managed by means of a “negative list.” This conforms with the concept of allowing investment except in areas where curbs are specifically designated. With the full implementation of national treatment under a negative list form of management,foreign investment projects do not require specific approval in the encouraged areas. Registration with commercial authorities is solely for documentation purposes.


The new Catalogue retains a total of 63 previous areas of restrictions on foreign capital (including 35 categories where there are limitations and 28 where investment is prohibited). The new list removes 30 areas that were restricted or barred in the 2015 Catalog (including 19 areas with shareholding requirements as well as 38 restricted areas and 36 where investment is prohibited). Restrictions on investment in the service sector have been removed,specifically in road passenger transport,ocean shipping tally business,credit investigation and rating services,accounting and auditing,wholesale marketing of agricultural products and water conservancy. Restrictions have been removed in manufacturing,specifically rail transport equipment,automobile electronics,batteries for new energy vehicles,motorcycles,marine engineering equipment,marine diesel engines,civilian satellites,edible oils,rice,flour,raw sugar,corn,ethanol and the biodiesel sector. Limits on foreign manufacturers to establishing no more than two joint ventures in pure electric automobile production have been scrapped. The mining industry has also done away with restrictions on foreign investment in non-conventional oil and gas (such as shale),precious metals,lithium and some non-ferrous metals smelting.


As far as the restrictions on foreign investment are concerned,the new Catalogue adds some new areas,specifically in the culture and advertising spheres,radio and television programming,satellite TV broadcasting receiving facilities and internet news and information.


At the same time,the number of items classified as areas where investment is encouraged remains basically unchanged. Compared with the 2015 Catalogue,six items have been added and seven deleted. The added incentives include “smart” medical emergency equipment,hydrologic monitoring sensors,virtual reality (VR),augmented reality (AR),3D printing,hydrogen refueling stations and urban parking facilities.


As China actively promotes a "going out" strategy that encourages its own companies to take a more active role in the global economy,it is also adhering to its pledges to open its economy further and bring in new forms of investment.


The Special Management Measures for Foreign Investment in Free Trade Areas,which also embraces a negative list concept,is already in effect. The negative list of free trade areas already offers foreign investors a relatively higher degree of openness,and with the increasing number of free trade areas around the country,each with its own development priorities,foreign investors may find that these free trade areas are an attractive location for their China investments. The recently published Negative List Catalogue for the Opening Up of the Financial Industry in China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone (2017),is an updated version of the country's first negative list for the financial sector.


Meanwhile,Beijing and Hong Kong have reached a new version of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) that promotes trade between the China mainland and the former British colony. Under the new arrangement,there are only 26 areas where Hong Kong's investment in the mainland is limited while there is more favorable treatment in shipbuilding and aircraft manufacturing,resource and energy extraction and financial market investment tools. There is also another clear statement that Hong Kong receives the most favorable treatment in regards to investment. There is also a similar accord between the mainland and Macao,as well as the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) reached with Taiwan,and these agreements mean that investors in Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan enjoy even greater access to the market in mainland China. Hong Kong banks have accelerated their operations in the mainland since the signing of the first CEPA agreement in 2003. With the support of the CEPA policy,Hong Kong banks have become a key segment of the non-mainland banks operating in China.

值得注意的是,本次放宽的外资准入限制,多数仍局限于一般性服务业及制造业领域;而此前在《中共中央 国务院关于构建开放型经济新体制的若干意见》中曾提出的要推进金融、教育、文化、医疗等服务业领域的有序开放,在此次新版《目录》里尚没有更多的体现。对这些开放速度相对较慢的敏感领域,外国投资者可能还需要一段时间的耐心等待和观察。

It is noteworthy that most of the easing of foreign investment restrictions is still limited to the general service industry and the manufacturing sector. Previously,the Opinions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the New System of Construction of an Open Economy proposed the orderly opening of the finance,education and culture segments of the economy as well as medical and other services. The new Catalogue,however,does not have much new to offer in these sensitive areas where the opening process has been slow. Foreign investors will still need to wait to see more opening efforts here.


The new additions to the Catalogue,such as prohibitions on foreign investment in new media,publications,internet news,radio,television and video programs,are in accordance with the Network Security Law announced in November 2016 and one of the supporting documents of the updated version of the Internet News Information Service Management Regulations. The latter stipulates that only authorized news organizations can engage in internet news and information. The communication platform services also need to apply for permission and it once again stressed the prohibitions on the establishment of internet news and information services by subsidiaries of Sino-foreign joint ventures,Sino-foreign joint cooperation companies and foreign-invested operations.


It is also worth noting that the variable interest entity (VIE) structure is often used in response to the restrictive measures applied to foreign investment. The VIE arrangement has been used to circumvent requirements of locally licensed companies. In January 2015,the Ministry of Commerce issued its draft Foreign Investment Law,and this introduced "actual control" standards. For instance,domestic enterprises under the control of foreign investors are defined as foreign for investment regulatory purposes,and the VIE structure was considered to be a form of foreign investment. In future,VIEs shall face severe challenges if the draft becomes law.


When the new Catalogue takes effect,nationwide investment management will be conducted through the use of a negative list. The Catalog retains categories of encouraged,restricted and prohibited areas for foreign investment,but as stated earlier,through an adjusted structure. At the same time,a more convenient filing and reporting system reduces the burden on the investor. In particular,for encouraged investment projects,there will be more opportunities for foreign investors.


For some of the sensitive areas which are considered unsuitable for a full opening to foreign capital,China could use a progressive model of permitted investment. This would start with limited access in free trade zones and gradually become available nationwide.


However,in expanding the scope of investment,the new Catalogue also places "structural upgrading" requirements on foreign investors,encouraging them to invest core technologies as well as capital in their projects and make use of advanced management techniques. The key areas are "smart" and "green" manufacturing as well as services. Since the early days of the economic opening to the outside world,foreign investment has been concentrated in labor-intensive manufacturing. But a shift to higher technology and more sophisticated services is already under way,and that is the direction of the future. In recent years,the proportion of services to total investment has increased significantly and even surpassed the manufacturing sector. The latest version of the Catalogue does not strip away much more of the restrictions on service sector investment,however. This reflects China's practical needs to promote the development of high-end manufacturing equipment and enhance the country's role in the global value chain. It is generally consistent with the aim of promoting innovation and greater participation of domestic and foreign investors in order to achieve the goals under the "Made in China 2025" program. The Catalogue is likely to create the needed environment to promote investment in these key areas in the future.


Lu Yi is a partner at KPMG China Tax Services Management operations

Chen Yu is senior manager at KPMG's China Tax Knowledge Management Center